Correctional Officers have a tough job and it is not for everyone. With the known dangers, low pay, long hours and stress, it is becoming difficult to hire new officers. One of the greatest threats to correctional officer wellness involves the stress and trauma they encounter as a result of their occupation. In providing the daily management of inmates, correctional officers face a wide array of stressors that may be unique to their profession. Stress can have significant negative consequences for correctional officers affecting their health and well-being, work performance, the inmates they supervise, their co-workers and their families. These consequences can decrease the safety of a correctional institution creating a liability for the agency – high turnover, poor performance, law suits and reduce the legitimacy of an organization in the eyes of the employees.
Stress, trauma, PTSD and suicide is on the rise among correctional personnel. They also face a number of stressors that are directly tied to the inmates they supervise. Perhaps the most serious of these stressors involves the threat of violence, injury and death. The nature of the threat facing correctional officers is complex and varied. They must deal with various forms of inmate criminality and deviance, such as gang activity, drug use and other types of contraband, inmate on inmate violence, sex and the potential for rape and manipulation. Add on organizational and administrative stressors, psycho-social stressors and the impact on the home life.
21st Century Corrections begins with Effective Leadership, Coaching and Honest Communications. Support starts at the top and moves down the ranks. From the recruit stage to the hiring process, from the academy to in-service training, COs must know they are supported and appreciated at all levels. This class will present a Reality-Based Model and provides students with a first hand look at a correctional career.
This course will be most valuable to the following groups of law enforcement:
8 hours
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Upon submission of this registration, participants are responsible for payment of this course. Please note that if you do not attend, you are still responsible for payment. Substitutions are made at the discretion of Training Force USA, LLC and may be made anytime online or via email. Credit for the amount paid may be issued toward a future course.
Additional questions? Send us an email! We are experiencing an increase in volume and appreciate your patience at this time. All emails will be answered within 5 business days.